Your skin looks young! You may see some signs of aging here and there, but you don't think fillers or treatments for more volume are necessary. However, you do want to maintain or improve the natural radiant quality of your skin.
Your mantra
Prevention is better than cure. And who wouldn't want to wake up every day with beautiful, well-hydrated and radiant skin?
Your collagen level
Chances are that your skin still contains a lot of collagen. But, from the age of 25, the collagen content naturally decreases. The amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin also decreases, making it less hydrated.
Your wish
Above all, you want to optimize the quality of your skin and stimulate hydration to slow down the process of skin aging. By working on your skin quality now, you hope to reap the benefits later.
Your skin’s needs
- Long-lasting hydration, protection and an even skin tone and pores
- Improved or maintained healthy glow
- Stimulated natural collagen and elastin production.
Skin tip for your profile
Prevention really is better than cure. It’s great that you are already exploring skin care and rejuvenation. To make sure that you also give your skin what it needs, it’s wise to call in a professional for personalized advice.
Start thinking about your lifestyle, use of care products and possible aesthetic treatments now, and your older self will thank you! If you do decide to make an appointment for an aesthetic treatment, please take this profile with you to the consultation.
5 Questions to ask during your consultation
Have you made an appointment to discuss a treatment? With these questions, you’re well prepared to have a conversation with an aesthetic physician.
Not 100% convinced by your profile?
Wondering if your profile really suits you? Check out the other collagen skin profiles:
Your skin is just like your daily life: 100% active! But maybe it’s starting to show the first signs of aging and you want to give it a boost.
You can see and feel that your skin has changed. It’s less elastic and firm in your face and on your body. You want volume and more defined contours again.
Your skin still looks young! You don't need fillers or treatments that give more volume. But you do want to maintain or improve the natural radiance of the skin.
You have mature skin that has lost volume and elasticity over time. Maybe you've even considered a surgical lift?